Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spread the Word(s)

While fishing around Craigslist for writing gigs, free coffee tables, and volunteer work, I stumbled across a program called Chicago Books to Women in Prison. By donating any (paperback) books to the program, incarcerated women in prisons nationwide will be given the chance to read. Their site states that they "hear over and over that rehabilitation is not a priority, and prison libraries tend to be dismal, if they exist at all."

So, as much as you love your books, (believe me ... the whole trying-to-start-a-library project is all too familiar) why not browse your bookshelves and donate to women in need? Chances are, someone who hasn't read "The Catcher in the Rye" will appreciate it more than you will the third time around. Besides, Amazon always has great deals if you can't live without it.

Here's your chance! Loosen your grip on that history book from freshman year of college and use that rainy day to see a movie instead. Come on ... who do you think you're kidding anyway?

Their blog reads:

We are still (as always) in need of:


  1. Dictionaries
  2. Composition books
  3. Daily Meditations
  4. GED prep books, especially math
  5. Urban fiction
  6. Books on drug or alcohol recovery
  7. Yoga or exercise books
  8. Health books for HIV positive people
  9. Books on Wicca
  10. Books on racism and/or mass imprisonment
  11. Blank journals

Contact Information:
Chicago Books to Women in Prison
c/o Beyondmedia Education
4001 N. Ravenswood Ave #204C
Chicago, IL 60613

Happy Donating!

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