Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It's just too good.

1 comment:

JTankers said...

It is, the Rap is good.

Safety Opposition Update:

A European law suit against CERN was filed Tuesday. Are you aware of the recent history of LHC Safety? :drummer:

Former Nuclear Safety Officer Walter L. Wagner discovered flaws with CERN's safety arguments. He believes that the Large Hadron Collider could create dangerous particles that might destroy Earth, so he filed a law suit to require proof of safety. [1]

In response, CERN scientists created a safety report in 2008 that argues no real chance of danger. [2]

After review, German Astrophysicist Dr. Rainer Plaga argues that CERN's new report does not prove safety. Dr. Plaga proposes that CERN follow additional safety procedures to help reduce the danger, including proceeding slowly. [3]

On August 14th, CERN's Dr. Jonathan Ellis stated that there is no real danger and they will not proceed slowly, collisions will begin in a few weeks. [4]

Another German scientist, Professor Dr. Otto E. Rössler theorizes that if micro black holes are created in the Large Hadron Collider, they could grow large enough to destroy Earth in just years or decades. [5]

On August 26, 2008, suit was filed against CERN in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg alleging the Large Hadron Collider poses grave risks for the safety of the 20 member states of the European Union and their citizens.[6][7]

Dr. Rössler requests that an emergency safety conference be held before collisions begin. He is due to meet Swiss President Pascal Couchepin to discuss safety concerns.

[1]]Legal Room | Walter L. Wagner | Citizens Against the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) US Federal Lawsuit Filings - Walter L. Wagner

[2] The safety of the LHC The safety of the LHC, Web Site - CERN

[3] On the potential catastrophic risk from metastable quantum-black holes produced at particle colliders - Rainer Plaga Rebuttal

[4] CERN’s Dr. Ellis tells only half of the story CERN’s Dr. Ellis tells only half of the story - JTankers

[5] A Rational and Moral and Spiritual Dilemma - Otto E. Rōssler Safety Counter Arguments

[6] The Science of Conundrums: Suit Alleges CERN In Violation of Human Rights - Alan Gilis